The kitchen

Simplicity is an arrival point, a goal I pursue to get as close as possible to the people who eat my dishes

Raw materials

Here, the raw materials are dictated by the rhythm of the seasons, by the relationship with the most interesting producers and by the instinct of the Chef and his team. Thus, during the year, the best fish of the Adriatic peek out from the restaurant menu, wild herbs, collected along streams, in ditches or in some embankments, and vegetables from the gardens surrounding Montecosaro.

Raw materials

Here, the raw materials are dictated by the rhythm of the seasons, by the relationship with the most interesting producers and by the instinct of the Chef and his team. Thus, during the year, the best fish of the Adriatic peek out from the restaurant menu, wild herbs, collected along streams, in ditches or in some embankments, and vegetables from the gardens surrounding Montecosaro.

Garden in the plate

“L’ orto nel piatto è la forma più compiuta della mia idea di cucina: una selezione di erbe spontaneamente adagiate su una base vegetale e millimetricamente distanziate l’una dall’altra, per fare di ogni boccone e di ogni sapore una sensazione differente, buona o cattiva che sia. Una vetrina del panorama vegetale di cui dispongo, quindi il riflesso autentico di un’idea di stagionalità senza compromessi e della sinergia stretta con il territorio che amo.”

Garden in the plate

L’Orto nel piatto è la forma più compiuta della mia idea di cucina: una selezione di erbe spontaneamente adagiate su una base vegetale e millimetricamente distanziate l’una dall’altra per fare di ogni boccone e di ogni sapore una sensazione differente, buona o cattiva che sia. Una vetrina del panorama vegetale di cui dispongo, quindi il riflesso autentico di un’idea di stagionalità senza compromessi e della sinergia stretta con il territorio che amo.


I love spaghetti. Eating and cooking them is a pleasure, which is why I have always dedicated attention and research to them. They attract me because they can take a thousand forms, be accompanied in a thousand ways, but they never lose their identity. Spaghetti have a very particular pride, which seduces me every time I find them in front of me. I will never stop cooking them.


I love spaghetti. Eating and cooking them is a pleasure, which is why I have always dedicated attention and research to them. They attract me because they can take a thousand forms, be accompanied in a thousand ways, but they never lose their identity. Spaghetti have a very particular pride, which seduces me every time I find them in front of me. I will never stop cooking them.